Darrell O.Pace
と彼を目指すアーチャーに贈る |
For the Great World
Darrell O. Pace, and all archers
who set their sights on him |
バレーフォージ、第25回世界選手権大会。前回オランダでレイ・ロジャースとの接戦の末2位に甘んじたハーディー・ワードが今度は自国、それも独立戦争の時ジョージ・ワシントンが本部を構え戦った記念すべきこの地で、ジョン・ウィリアムスを抑え「世界チャンピオン」となる。この年、僕のアーチェリー人生も始まった。しかしこの時まだ偉大なる世界チャンピオン、ダレル・ペイスは弓を握っていない。 |
The year is 1969. The place, Valley Forge, U.S.A.
The occasion, the 25th World Archery Championship. In the previous
championship, in Holland, Hardy Ward had to content himself with second
place after a hard fought contest with Ray Rogers. But this time, Ward
was on home ground, the historical Valley Forge, where George Washington
had set up headquarters and fought during the Revolutionary War.
There, Ward defeated John Williams and become the world champion.
In the same year, my archery life began. But at that time, the Great
World Champion Darrell Pace had not yet gripped a bow. |
1956年10月23日、ダレル・ペイス、オハイオ州シンシナチィ市に生まれる。この少年が父の持つ1枚のレジャークーポン券のお陰で偶然にアーチェリーと出会うのは、1970年5月2日のことであった。しかし彼とて最初からチャンピオンであったのではない。1971年ヨーク世界選手権、そして1972年ミュンヘン・オリンピック。この2大タイトルを手にしたのはバレーフォージで苦汁を舐めた若干17歳のジョンであった。 |
Darrell Pace was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on
October 23, 1956. His encounter with archery came about by chance on May
2, 1970, thanks to a "Two for one" his father had. But even he
was not a champion from the beginning. The 1971 World Championship at
York and then the 1972 Munich Olympics-the laurels for those two events
went to the 17-year-old John Williams, who had suffered that bitter
defeat at Valley Forge. |
第27回グルノーブル世界選手権。この時誰もが勝利を確信していたジョンは国内予選で敗退、直後にプロ入りを表明した。そんな中ダレルは辛うじて最下位で予選を通過、16歳で初のアメリカ代表の座を手中に収める。奇しくもこの大会が僕にとっても初の世界選手権出場であると同時に、彼との初めての出会いでもあった。しかし世界大会では強い者が勝つ。たとえそれがスター不在の大会と言われ、世界選手権史上最悪の天候に見舞われ日程が短縮されるという異例の大会であっても、そこには実力以外の幸運は存在しなかった。12位の僕を含め、ほとんどのアーチャーは23位の彼の結果(1054+1000=2054点)に注意を払わなかった。 |
Darrell's first appearance on the world scene was in
1973 at the Grenoble world Championship. Everyone was expecting John
Williams to win again, but he was defeated in the national tryout, and
immediately afterward announced that he would turn professional. In that
way, Darrell narrowly passed the tryout at the tail end, and at 16 he
became America's representative. Strangely enough, the Grenoble
Championship was my first chance to participate in world competition
too, and it was there that I met Darrell for first time. What a contest
that was ! With no real stars participating, and with the worst weather
in the history of the championship so that the event was cut short, it
was unprecedented. We did our best, but Lady Luck was elsewhere. Most of
the archers, including me in 12th place, didn't notice Darrell in 23rd
place who managed only 1000 and 1054 points. |
ところが、である! そんな彼が、それから2か月も経たないうちに世界記録に16点と迫る1252点で全米選手権を初制覇した。以後、1974年1291点、1975年1316点。インターラーケン世界選手権優勝。1976年、モントリオール・オリンピック優勝。1978年、ジュネーブ世界フィールド優勝。1979年1341点。ベルリン世界選手権優勝。1984年、ロサンゼルス・オリンピック優勝・・・・と彼ひとりが世界記録を塗り替え、すべての栄光とタイトルを手中に収めていった。ダレル・ペイスは世界のアーチェリーそのものだった。 |
But.....before two months had passed, this same
Darrell, shooting 1252 at the U.S. National Championship to come within
16 points of the world record, attained his first National. After that
there was no stopping him. In 1974, 1291 points. In 1975, 1316 points.
First place in the Interlaken World championship. At the Montreal
Olympics in 1976, first place. In the World field in Geneva in 1978,
first place. In 1979, 1341 points. In the Berlin world championship,
first place. the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984, first place. He just kept
breaking his own world records, getting all the glory and honor for
himself. Darrell Pace-he was the world of archery. |
僕がダレルと2度目に会ったのは、彼が19歳。アメリカ建国200年祭に沸く1976年、第92回全米選手権。会場は記念大会にふさわしく、あのバレーフォージであった。ダレルはこの時すでに「世界チャンピオン」として君臨するだけでなく、5日前には念願の「ゴールドメダリスト」の肩書きまでも身につけていた。本当の出会いはこの時だった。当時僕の矢にはクレストとして日の丸が描いてあったが、そんな矢に興味を持ったのか、ターゲットの前で採点する僕のところにダレルがやって来た。そして何も言わずに人のクイーバーから矢を抜き取ると、「Painted!」と言って無礼にも立ち去った。ここから傲慢で自己顕示欲の強いダレルとの付き合いが始まった。 |
The second time I met Darrell he was 19. In 1976,
the year of the Bicentennial celebration in U.S.A., the 92nd U.S.
National Championship was held at Valley Forge. Darrell not only
dominated the scene as "World Champion:" five days earlier he
had already clinched the title of "Gold Medalist". That was
when I had a real encounter with Darrell. At that time, the "hinomaru"
or Japanese rising sun was painted on my arrows as a crest. Maybe
Darrell was interested in that, because he came over to the target where
I was checking my score. Without a word, without even asking, he
snatched an arrow from my quiver. Examining it, muttered,
"Painted !" and walked away. This marked the beginning of my
association with this proud exhibitionist, Darrell. Almost every year we
see each other, but the fact is that Darrell and I are not friends.
Considering that encounter at the target, it is unlikely that we should
be friends. But more than that, he is just too much the champion; he is
too great. |
彼の持つすべて。プライド、思想、態度、言動、生き方・・・・、そこから生まれるシューティングマシンと称せられる天才的で力強く、精悍なフォーム、そしてスコア。どれをとっても、それれはチャンピオンにしか許されないものだった。それも並みの世界チャンピオンではない。だからダレル・ペイスは僕にとって、そしてすべてのアーチャーにとっての憧れであると同時に理想だった。 |
Everything about him-his pride, his thought, his
attitude, his speech and behavior, his way of life- besides his talent,
his strong, dauntless form, his score- all of these have led to his
being called a "shooting machine". Such a person can be
tolerated only because he is every inch a champion. Yet he is not the
ordinary kind of champion. That is why Darrell Pace is the idol and the
ideal for me and for all archers. |
ダレルと時代を共にする僕の友人でもあるリック・マッキニーという世界チャンピオンがいる。彼は実績だけではなく、その人柄と風貌により多くのアーチャーに親しまれ、尊敬も集めている。リックのお陰でチャンピオンが我々の身近な存在になったことは事実である。しかしその身近になった分、それは人間的であり不完全さをも併せ持っていた。それに比べ、ダレル・ペイスは人間とは一線を画した雲の上の存在であった。それはもう神に近い存在だった。 |
Rick McKinney is a champion of the same era as
Darrell; he is also a friend of mine. Not only because of his
performance but also because of his personality and character, he is
well known and respected by many archers. Thanks to him, we archers came
to feel that a champion is someone we could get close to or get to know.
Through this closeness, we also discovered that he is human and has
imperfection. In contrast, Darrell Pace has always seemed to exist above
the clouds somewhere, with a clear distinction between him and us. It is
almost as if he were a god. |
1988年、ソウル・オリンピック。ダレルが3度目のゴールドメダルに挑戦する大会だった。結果は予選1257点で19位通過。準々決勝、329点1位。準決勝、322点9位。ここで2点差惜しくも決勝進出ならず、総合9位に終わった。この結果を見てダレルの時代の終焉を感じたのは決して僕だけではない。そして翌年1989年ローザンヌ世界選手権ではダレルが唯一最後まで保持し続けたシングルラウンド世界記録「1341点」も、カーボンアローという最新鋭の道具によって過去のものとなった。 |
The 1988 Seoul Olympics was the third time Darrell
went for the Gold Medal. In the qualifier he was in 19th place with 1257
points. In the quarterfinals he jumped to first place with 329. In the
semifinals, however, with a score of 322, he was defeated by just two
points, giving him an overall 9th place. I am sure that I was not the
only one who, seeing the results, felt that Darrell's reign was coming
to an end. The following year at the 1989 Lausanne World championship,
Darrell, whose Single Round Total world record of 1341 points had
remained unbroken for ten years, was defeated by a brand new instrument,
the carbon arrow, and became a has-been. |
それでもダレルは寡黙である。彼が10年間の長きにわたり我々に見せ続けてくれた、理想をはるかに超えた現実の世界について多くを語ろうとはしない。だからこそ、僕は今、ダレルを目標に彼を通して学んできたアーチェリーについて書いておこうと思う。それは僕のアーチェリー論であると同時に、ダレルの偉大さの証明でもある。 |
Even so, Darrell is taciturn. He has no intention of
talking about his real world, a world beyond our imagination, which we
can never hope to attain. that is why I have decided to set my sights on
him and to put in writing now all that I have learned through him about
archery. It is my archery theory, but at the same time it is a testimony
to Darrell's greatness. |
僕は偉大なる世界チャンピオン、ダレル・ペイスと同時代に生き、同じシューティングラインに立てたことを心から嬉しく思う。そしてこれからも彼のような素晴らしいアーチャーが生まれることを心から願って、この書を次代を築く新しいアーチャー達に贈る。 |
I am thankful from the bottom of my heart that I
lived at the same time as the Great world Champion, Darrell Pace, and
stood at the same shooting line. In addition, i hope with all my heart
that in the future other archers as wonderful as he will be born. With
this in mind, I dedicate this to the new generation of archers. |
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亀 井 孝
KAMEI Takashi
2nd Place, 29th Canberra World Championships, 1977
(1979年、第95回全米選手権) |